Protecting Your Chickens from Springtime Predators
Spring bursts forth with vibrant life, but for backyard chicken owners, the season also ushers in a period of heightened vigilance. As the world awakens from winter's slumber, so do the appetites of a...
View ArticleMoth's guide to chicken breeds
I'm going to either add to this a lot or not. But here's a guide to some of the more commonly known chicken breeds! I will go over lots of them, and if you have a suggestion just make a comment. Let's...
View ArticleEastern Cedar Coop
I built this small coop for my special needs blind hen. She was attacked by an aggressive chicken and lost her eyesight completely in one eye and most of her sight in the other eye (I think can only...
View ArticleHomemade Styrofoam cooler incubator
I have a broody who has added about 4 eggs to her clutch over the last couple weeks, and she started hatching the eggs I gave her yesterday. My incubator (china-bator) has been doing great, but it's...
View ArticleCelebrating Easter with Your Backyard Chickens: A Guide to Fun and Festive...
Easter is a time of joy and celebration, where families and friends come together to enjoy each other's company, exchange gifts and enjoy delicious meals. It is also a great time to get creative and...
View ArticleGirlsHuntToo's Flock
Hi! Thanks for reading! Just a heads up that I don't take pictures of my flock much so this article lacks photos. My chickens are a bit camera shy! But I am sure you will still enjoy. Future chicken...
View ArticleThe Poultry Life April
Disclaimer: This magazine is not an official BYC document, and is not published or represented by the BYC administration. [ATTACH type="full"... The Poultry Life April
View ArticleThe Art of Memes: A Guide to Crafting Hilarious and Shareable Creations
In today's digital age, memes have become a universal language of humor and a staple of online culture. These viral images and videos, often accompanied by clever captions, have the power to make us...
View ArticleHow to Avoid Scammers
If you think you might be getting scammed, STOP. You should feel comfortable with a purchase, not skeptical or suspicious. I was once scammed in an indoor plant group on Facebook thinking being retired...
View Article12×8 Coop on Hill
Started this project about 8 days ago. Had to! Chicken math and my wife. She,we bought 11 hens 1 rooster last March. Ok quick build was a 8×8 Hoop coop with a 15×15 run. Worked pretty good,for little...
View ArticleWhat to Feed Your Quail
So, you have decided that you want to raise quail. There are many questions that you will have, but here you will learn what your quail need to eat in order to thrive. This guide will help you find...
View ArticleBYC – Supplemental knowledge for all things Chicken
With only a small daily dosage of time spent at BackYard Chickens, anyone can access a wealth of information as inexhaustible as is cleaning under the roosts. Key benefits associated with a few minutes...
View ArticlePredators:How to get rid of them
I am in Pennsylvania so these are predators that are near me feel free to ask about other predators if you have questions Since most of these predators are nocturnal be prepared have shoes by the door...
View ArticleFried Dandelions
Fried Dandelions. Yup. The yellow flower that turns into a wish! My Great Grandma--who survived the Great Depression-- taught me when I was a little girl how to create many things from her backyard:...
View ArticleAuthentic Woods KD (Knock Down) 10' by 16' Coop Pictorial
This is what I/we built (mostly). Photos of the actual build follow below, my build thread is I am...
View ArticleMonica's house rebuild
About 20 years ago I built a small chicken coop. I copied the one found here. The fellow who built it had a blog with exact...
View ArticleDraft!! Previously a Horse Shelter, Now a Chicken, Duck, Turkey Coop & Yard!
This is a Draft!! *accidentally posted it! It all began with adopting a Silkie Rooster, hatching 11 chicks and raising 7 ducks..... now we have a Large Coop, 2 turkeys, ducks and 17 chickens (all...
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