What is doing this to my feed?
Anyone have any idea what is sneaking into the run and making these little balls of food at night? This morning I also found this dropping…this just started in the last week or two and now it’s every...
View ArticleMy hen is so funny…
My female Eastern turkey always acts like a male. Here is a wild Osceola and she literally did this for an hour with him. I was hoping she was going to let him mate, but no success! Anyone have an idea...
View ArticleGypsy Wagon Chicken Coop
My 10 year old grand daughter fell in love with her Uncle's chickens and began begging her Dad for a coop. Her dad, my son, works long hours and didn't see a way to be able to do it. I volunteered to...
View ArticleBuilding more to do less. Block foundation, power, etc (LOTS OF PICTURES)
After keeping chickens for about 4 years, I gave my birds to a friend and sold my tiny coop on craig's list. After only two summers I came to the conclusion that I liked having chickens, but I didn't...
View ArticleRooster Head Injury!
I have a 2 year old Sebright Bantam rooster who is having nerve problems. He twists his head 360 degrees around and has a hard time eating. He fell into water during the winter, and I dried him off as...
View ArticleWas a Horse Shelter, Now a Chicken, Duck, Turkey Coop & Yard!
(This article is still in progress) It all began with adopting a Silkie Rooster, hatching 11 chicks and raising 7 ducks..... now we have a Large Coop, 2 turkeys, ducks and 17 chickens (all broody )....
View ArticleFowl Penitentiary, the process of a coop on a budget
Never give up on that big, nice looking, functional coop and run. Even if it takes you a while to get there lol When we first started this adventure over a year ago, we researched chickens and...
View ArticleReproductive Health in Chickens
Reproductive Health in Chickens Hello and welcome to my article about reproductive health in chickens. In this article I will detail common reproductive diseases, provide preventative strategies,...
View ArticleThe Beginner's Photo Guide to Phone Candling Coturnix Quail Eggs
Quail eggs are very difficult to candle, especially for a beginner who probably doesn't own a really good candler, but most people own a phone that just happens to have a decent light source. This is a...
View ArticleShipping Birds through USPS (Work In Progress)
About three years ago, I started a small private aviary raising and selling my now 17 different species of wild waterfowl. I had a lot of out of state interest in the birds, which quickly brought about...
View ArticleKilleen Texas
Up to 8 hens are allowed to be kept per residence provided that the hens are confined in a coop that is no less than 25 feet from any habitable structure on a neighboring property. Roosters and all...
View ArticleBuilding a Run Addition to the Sentinel Coop from TSC
Introduction I remember a thread where someone wanted to put an addition to the Sentinel coop, so here's how I did mine. Back in 2021, when we got our second batch of chicks, we purchased a Producer's...
View ArticleBumble Foot Treatment
Happy to help others out there. Bumble foot occurs mostly in heavier breeds, that might be exposed to moist ground on regular basis but sometimes it just happens from soft foot pads getting damaged and...
View ArticleFatigued/Lethargic old Hen
I know i said i was abandoning this site because the weak chick i was trying to help ended up dying due to me falling asleep for 3 hours but now I have an injured hen. My hen, Bowie, has been in a...
View ArticleClaws & Clans (Archives 2.0)
View ArticleCity of Austin
The City of Austin publishes a fairly complete chicken keeping guide that includes links to all of the rules/regulations. Follow the rulesThe keeping of chickens must comply with all sections of Title...
View ArticleBumble foot treatment observations
We've all known the problem... Here is my experience and observations after treating half my flock, many of them more than once, for bumblefoot. I had a flock of 19 chickens - 15 Hyline Browns (AKA Red...
View ArticlePreparing hatching eggs for incubation, and hatching.
Hello, hatching enthusiasts and learners! Spring time is right around the corner, and for my fellow hatching addicts, our time to shine is almost here! So I thought it would be good to do a little...
View ArticleHealth Monitoring - Case Study
Chicken Health Monitoring -- Case Study Hello everyone. Recently I wrote an article about reproductive health in chickens. I thought I would detail a recent experience of mine with my flock as a case...
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